my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   I'm Not There
Director:   Todd Haynes
Year:   2007
Genre:   Biopic
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.24.07

Other Movies Seen By This Director (1)
- Velvet Goldmine

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.24.07Alamo Village Biopic using 6 different actors (including a black kid and Cate Blanchett) to portray Bob Dylan. Not knowing much of anything about the man or his music, I was definitely lost for most of this. It was kind of interesting to see people like Christian Bale and Heath Ledger give different takes or portray different aspects of his personality, but I spent most of my time trying to figure out what was going on and whether or not it had anything to do with something that actually happened. Like the whole Richard Gere segment... huh? My favorite parts were the one short scene with The Beatles and seeing David Cross as Allen Ginsberg.

I can definitely see why Dylan OK'd this movie. I didn't see it but I'm strongly reminded of Masked and Anonymous: another movie with a ton of good people that I heard doesn't come together. Maybe if I had already read the biography and was intimately familiar with everything going on I would enjoy this much more or maybe if I give up on thinking it's a biopic it would work better but... for a biopic it's interesting, for a real movie it's kind of a mess.

It doesn't help that I'm not a huge Dylan fan. I usually pay much more attention to the music than the lyrics so I'm in another boat altogether.