my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Appaloosa
Director:   Ed Harris
Year:   2008
Genre:   Western
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.07.09

Other Movies Seen By This Director (0)

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.07.09DVRThis Screening is part of event: DVRfest 2009
Two dudes roll into a town and enforce the law a bit, then typical westerny stuff happens.

It's kinda bad like everyone says. For me things were going swimmingly until Renee Zellwegger showed up with her face. I don't know what happened since Jerry Maguire but something about her nowadays... I really don't like. Maybe it's this assumption that she's hot even though her face is like a squished bloated prune sometimes. How can it be squished AND bloated you ask? Just look at her face and you'll find out. So I didn't really like her being in this movie, although her part is pretty interesting for the genre. I guess it's the most interesting part of the movie but that's a shame. It's a shame how every western story lately has to seem like it's lifted from a video game which was in turn lifted from an older, better movie. Are there really no more stories of The West to tell?

In any case, the scenery was pretty. I enjoyed the HD aspects of watching it. I just wish it was better, you know?

It seems like I'm screaming through these movies. Up next? midget nazis!!!