my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Masterminds
Director:   Jared Hess
Year:   2016
Genre:   Comedy
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   06.17.17

Other Movies Seen By This Director (3)
- Gentleman Broncos
- Nacho Libre
- Napoleon Dynamite

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
06.17.17Netflix I guess I can't fault netflix for recommending this one to me. I like pretty much everyone involved. Except the movie isn't any good. It reminds me of an equally bad movie called Drowning Mona in that it's kind of based on a true story but it's so bizarre that it should probably stay a wikipedia page or something. I dunno.. so much talent here but it's all squandered. It's a shame too... I want another Jared Hess movie that connects like Napoleon Dynamite but this is like strike 4?