my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Army of the Dead
Director:   Zack Snyder
Year:   2021
Genre:   Zombie
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   05.21.21

Other Movies Seen By This Director (7)
- 300
- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
- Dawn of the Dead
- Justice League
- Man of Steel
- Watchmen
- Zack Snyder's Justice League

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
05.21.21Netflix Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake is certainly my favorite movie that he's made and arguably the only one I liked so I had some hopes for this. Not exactly high hopes, but hopes nonetheless. It was OKAY. It's a good premise, a good set-up... I liked how he kind of continued what he did with the end credits in DAWN here during the beginning credits which are great and manage to tell a story succinctly, but it falls pretty flat for me right after that.

I found it an odd choice for Snyder to use whatever lens or digital effect he used to make the focus depth about as thin as a dime to wash most of the frame in soft focus. Considering he made this movie for Netflix it was a fantastic showcase of all the artifact-ing and shallow bit depth going on with streaming services these days. The effect became slightly less noticeable after a while but it did feel like my glasses were dirty for the whole thing.

My biggest issue with the movie though was the story or lack thereof. Like I mentioned, the premise is great but the problem is that when you set up a heist in zombie-ridden Vegas, you actually have to make a heist movie. The meat of this movie felt a ton like Suicide Squad to me... all they could figure to do was shoot a lot of walking... walking down rubble-strewn streets, walking down hallways, sometimes running down hallways, running up stairs, and running down stairs. Maybe because the characters are so thin that the actors don't have much to do, but it dragged for me pretty hard.

I also didn't really enjoy the zombie development at all. There was one cool detail (right at the beginning) but the rest of it was kind of typical what-can-we-do-to-spice-things-up nonsense. That said, there were a couple good gore gags that looked like quality CGI so I guess that's good.

And in the sake of total honesty, this bummed me out a little extra because i've long had an idea for a vegas zombie movie where the bodies buried out in the desert come back, and this movie basically shits all over the horror and subtlety I had in mind with typical Snyder nonsense... but who am I kidding it's not like I'll ever make that movie so who cares.

So yeah, not great... but not completely terrible I suppose. Just kind of boring, which isn't what you want out of a zombie action movie.