my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   The Earrings of Madame De...
Director:   Max Ophuls
Year:   1953
Genre:   Drama
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.11.22

Other Movies Seen By This Director (1)
- Lola Montes

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.11.22Blu-rayThis Screening is part of event: DVRfest 2022
roll: 5
spine: 445

The only Max Ophuls movie that I've seen is Lola Montes, which I didn't like much the first time I saw it and absolutely loved it the second time.

This certainly follows similar themes both in style and story... I'm not sure if every Ophuls movie is about a lady with a heart problem who but the last two are. And while it's not the flashy spectacle of Lola Montes, Ophuls still whirls the camera all over the place with several impressive sequences through massive sets or locations. One in particular shows a burgeoning attraction between two characters as they dance at various functions with costume changes done with seamless cuts syncing with the steps of the dance. And there is this baroque level of detail pertaining to these characters' social standing. Like there's always some servant ready to hand them a hat or take a coat or whatnot. The costumes are lavish and sparkle in the lens. It's a very lush viewing experience.

As for the story, it involves the titular earrings and how they change hands through the course of the film. It's not quite to the extent of movies like Twenty Bucks which follows the item from character to character but it does make a nice framing device. When it first kicks in I thought it would prove to be a light-hearted comedy of coincidence type deal but... nah. It's sad. However, it is pretty cool how the earrings hold different meanings to the different characters that change throughout the film.

So, I thought it was interesting. I was engaged the whole time, but again I can't help but compare it to his next film which is just a filmmaking marvel, so that's hard to top. I am struck by the similarities between the two, and feel like this would be much more acclaimed if Montes doesn't exist because it showcases many of the same talents.

This is also the first movie i've seen Vittorio De Sica in as an actor. He's pretty good!

Ok. it's 2 am. I'm still awake. do i push it one more or call it a night? Looking through the runtimes of what's left, there's only 1 that's longer than 2 hours. As long as I don't roll a 7 I think I'm good for one more. Next?