my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   April Fool's Day
Director:   Fred Walton
Year:   1986
Genre:   Slasher
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   01.03.23

Other Movies Seen By This Director (0)

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
01.03.23Internet Tonight's double feature is a spoiler. It starts with this late-stage slasher that I remember renting and seeing on cable after it came out. As with all slashers, the most interesting thing is the ending so...


I guess what stuck in my mind is that this was different in that the whole movie was a trick on the audience and well as the characters. Even now as I watched it back I spent most of the movie thinking that it broke all the rules to achieve this, like why are the kids playing along this whole time? But the end explains all which makes it just believable enough to pass for movie logic. The trick probably doesn't hold up for new audiences today because we don't see anyone die on-screen, but I remember being tickled by it back then.

It's not a particularly great slasher, but Biff is in it and it's a fun take on the then-saturated genre and the poster with the girl's hair tied into a noose and knife behind her back is pretty iconic to me. I'm glad I revisited it.

Oh, the double feature is Slasher Spoofs, but the next one will have to wait until tomorrow. I should probably start watching these before midnight huh.