my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Director:   Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson
Year:   2023
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.10.23

Other Movies Seen By This Director (0)

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.10.23InternetThis Screening is part of event: DVRfest 2023
Hey this site still exists! I watched a movie, everybody! Not only that, It's a whole weekend of movies! Yep, DVRfest 2023 is officially started!

It's no secret I have not been watching much lately, didn't go to Fantastic Fest this year... so there's plenty to pick from for my own personal fest, plenty to catch up on. Tonight is catching up on "new" movies, or maybe "big" movies that I missed, or maybe "the glaring ones I have to get through before diving into more interesting picks." Whatever you call it, the fest started with this animated sequel to the pretty Spider-Man thingy.

Spider-Man was one of my favorite books as a kid when I went through my comics phase. I've probably mentioned that a dozen times on this journal as I've sat through bleh Spider-Man movies, terrible Spider-Man movies, decent Spider-Man movies, and good Spider-Man movies. My most common complaint is that with each reboot comes this need to tell us all about Uncle Ben and Aunt May and this origin story that takes half the movie. But then a movie came along that leveraged that trope into a fun multi-verse story taking wild comics-only Spider-people and mashing them together and everyone was surprised because it was really good and the animation was great and changed from universe to universe and everyone was impressed. Then they basically did the same thing but with the film Spider-Men and again everyone was surprised and impressed that they took all these struggling rebooted franchises with good actors in varying degrees of crappy movies and mashed them together and it was great.

But then this movie comes along and does the same thing... a third time... with even more Spider-people from increasingly obtuse storylines and uses kinda the same plot as the previous movies... and is super long, then ends on a cliffhanger and a promise of a third... third movie.

It's kinda... I mean there's only so far you can go through the looking glass before the novelty wears off and you're up your own ass. Yes, this movie was gorgeous and it's so dense you have to pause to see everything and it's really slick and colorful and vibrant. It's still good, and I liked it... but I do think it falls victim to the typical sequel thing of "the same but MORE!" And now I don't even get a resolution? So there's the MCU I gotta remember (side note, Loki season 2 is like the same EXACT plot), and the non-MCU Sony Spider-Man live-action universe of Venom and Kraven and Morbius and shit... AND the animated Spider-Verse Multiverse? Which acknowledges the others but is also separate from? THat's a lot of shit when I just want to watch a movie for a couple hours.

Again, I can't stress enough how pretty the movie is. The art and animation styles are once again so expressive. I did have a good time watching this. I guess not knowing it was a part-2-of-3 was a little jarring though. Guess I'll be prepared for the next one.

So that got the palate activated, but what's next? Well, the biggest movie of the year!