my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Barbie
Director:   Greta Gerwig
Year:   2023
Genre:   Female Cinema
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.10.23

Other Movies Seen By This Director (1)
- Lady Bird

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.10.23InternetThis Screening is part of event: DVRfest 2023
Oppenheimer is not available for home viewing yet so I couldn't do the double feature like this summer but... that's probably ok because I think the movies have nothing to do with each other anyway. Instead, this is kind of an examination of the toy line in an entertaining and girl-empowering way. I can see how the entire right hates the movie because it says words like patriarchy over and over again which I guess is triggering for some, but really let's be honest: this is a movie for young girls. As such, there are some jokes in here for the parents but just like any pixar film or other kids movie you can't be upset if there's some actual moral behind it.

Although... I mean it's cool that Mattel could poke a little fun at itself (although I noticed they had a perfect part in the movie for one of the Barbies to say "math is hard" and they didn't... guess that one still stings) but I also bet a new generation of girls wants some damn barbies for christmas. I guess similar to the above paragraph, you can't go to a movie called Barbie and also be outraged at the marketing.

In terms of what I thought of it... I liked it alright. Didn't love it, it felt a tad too long, but I didn't dislike it either and I can't imagine a better Barbie movie so there's that. Parts of it were fun. I hate to say, but Ryan Gosling kinda stole it. Ken's journey was much more interesting and entertaining than Barbie's. Without Ken, this movie would've been really not great.

ok! So, my website shit the bed trying to add the last entry and I'd rather watch movies than try and troubleshoot or engage with support on a friday night, so who knows when these notes will make it online but rest assured I'm writing them in realtime. Next up is a movie I'm legit psyched to see.