my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Wild Strawberries
Director:   Ingmar Bergman
Year:   1957
Genre:   Drama
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   11.11.23

Other Movies Seen By This Director (0)

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
11.11.23DVDThis Screening is part of event: DVRfest 2023
As has become tradition, today will be devoted to two gods: Fate and the Criterion Collection. I'm down to 8(!) criterion dvds/blu-rays that I've never seen, a couple of which have been sitting on the shelf for like 20 years. The good news is that a huge chunk of these (probably not all) will get watched today! The bad news is that there's one movie here with a running time of 287 minutes so if that one comes up my day is pretty much set. So I've got my d8 at the ready... let's see what's first?

roll: 2
spine: 139

I can't say that I'm the biggest Bergman fan. I saw (and own) Seventh Seal back when I was going through those top 100 lists and of course didn't love it. Since then I've more or less avoided following up even with the films I hear mentioned more nowadays like Persona and Virgin Spring. But back then when I was in my film snob phase I bought this disc thinking "i should see this" and it immediately felt like homework. 20-some odd years later and I finally cross it off the list.

There were many such purchases by the way. That's largely why this tradition exists. I'd probably never watch this movie if a made-up rule and a roll of the die didn't bind me to do it.

I must admit I did more or less sit through this one. I get that it's really well regarded, and think maybe some of the dreams were pretty new and inventive back in the day... and maybe, like Ozu lovers, Bergman fans like to settle down and slow their roll and lollygag through a film as contemplative as this one but I had a hard time focusing.

So now I've seen two Bergman movies. Am I motivated to watch more? Probably not. I'm not saying this was a terrible movie, but it's not for me. Once upon a time I'd have felt pressure to like it but these days I don't care. Bergman has enough fans, I don't need to force myself into that club. Maybe someday I'll watch Persona and that will change my mind... but until then,
