my Movie

Movie Details

Title:   Burial Ground
Director:   Andrea Bianchi
Year:   1981
Genre:   Zombie
Times Seen:   1
Last Seen:   07.13.06

Other Movies Seen By This Director (0)

Notes History
Date Viewed Venue Note
07.13.06Terror Thursday So I'd heard this was great. They should have some special hand gesture or asterix to put next to the word "great" when people actually mean really really really bad. It's a completely different kind of enjoyment (at least for me) and I find that I can't really shift gears between the two that quickly.

IMDb says this movie is 85 minutes long. they are LYING. This movie is approximately 157 minutes of watching guys stand there while zombies in bad make-up with maggots and/or earthworms on their face slowly walk toward them. That's it. Nobody has the money or know-how to pull off a gag like a pitchfork stabbing so the slowly-walking zombie just takes it away from the just-standing-there guy and keeps slowly walking.

So excrutiating... Really the only thing that makes it worth sitting through is this kid... IMDb tells me that he was only in 4 movies (and uncredited in 3 of them) and doesn't list a date of birth so I can't know for sure but he looked 35 in this movie. He looks so old that I have a hard time believing he's actually some woman's son in the Italian soundtrack. I really think whoever did the English dub couldn't figure out what this diminutive little man was doing in the movie so they made him this woman's son just as a sick joke to the audience. A sick joke indeed, after a scene where the son feels up his mom... and even sicker after the "kid" dies, becomes a zombie, and bites his mom's nipple off. The dude is so OLD though... he's got like a few gray hairs, crow's feet around the eyes... but every word he says in the whole movie is "mama."

Other than that... it's horrible. OK there's one scene where a guy's trying to take a bear trap off this woman but keeps letting go so it chomps down on her leg again and again... that's pretty funny, but otherwise oh my god... it's so much of a Zombie rip-off that the movie is only watchable if you've seen Zombie. Not that it makes any sense either way, but it's such a rip-off that if you've seen Zombie you can at least remember the scenes and gags that Burial Ground is trying to rip-off.
